The Road To Me Monday

Just Imagine

The Road To Me Monday Blog Post

I have had my fair shares of wondering if I was ever going to get there. However, I have come to realize that life doesn’t work on our schedule, but it is the other way around. Once we are able to grasp that concept then we can fully appreciate how we will feel when we reach our goals. I set a goal for myself when I started graduate school that I would graduate with a 4.0 GPA. There were many who doubted me and thought I was setting my goals too high. They thought I was setting myself up for failure. I did not view my goal in that way at all. Instead, I focused on exactly what the woman in this picture must be feeling. The feeling of accomplishment, excitement, a little relief, but mostly, just the knowledge that you can, if you set your mind to it, accomplish ANY goal you set for yourself. What are your goals? Have there been people who doubted you? What did you do, feel, or say about that?


~ Holley Jacobs

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